Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The One Month Mark

My flight is exactly one month from today. It's surreal that things are getting real. I've already received my Visa, it was issued to me pretty quickly after I had completed and submitted all of the necessary documents. I received it in less than a week. The next few weeks are going to be a combination of things I have to do, and things I want to do. The planning, organizing, cleaning, packing, and last minute doctor visits are all part of the process. But this process also includes shopping, spending time with friends, and allowing myself to feel the excitement for what's ahead. Since I was fortunate enough to have spent a semester abroad during my final year of college, I already have friends all over Europe who are looking forward to as many mini reunions as we can manage. To know that I have friends all over the world is one of the priceless results of going abroad. See you in a month, England.

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