Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A second end

Well I've just finished the last exam of my postgraduate career. It feels very strange. Maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet. I know that masters programs in England are an expedited process, but having the second term be over so soon should be illegal. I still feel like I just got here. 

I have to say the past three days were very stressful. I tend to make myself very nervous before exams and lose the ability to sleep like a normal person. Definitely something to work on. Stress cannot be good for performance, and not just in exams but in life in general. Now I have a couple assignments to wrap up because while I tend to start assignments early, I always leave about 10-15% for the very end. Just so that I don't out-nerd myself. 

In true England fashion, we've had amazing sunny weather during revision week when everyone was stuck in the library. Flowers were blooming, birds were singing, and people were dressing like it was summertime. But now that exams are wrapping up, it's gotten colder again. Spring is evasive, but hopefully soon it will come back to stay because we post graduates need some sunshine to help us recover from term two. 

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